Hal Rose was born in a small industrial town in Ohio, originally designed to be a “Magic City”. Barberton was founded by O.C. Barber, an industrialist in the table match, rubber and boiler business.
Hal’s father, Talmadge, worked for Babcock & Wilcox, a boiler company, and was lucky enough to get a travel assignment in Huntington Beach, California to work on assembling a power plant boiler that is still standing. When he told Hal about the move, he asked him where he wanted to live and naturally, Hal said “Hollywood”. While he lived in Hollywood, he did the 9th grade at LeConte Jr. High. Following that assignment, a year later, the family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, where Hal went to high school.
While in grade school, Hal developed an interest in radio and television. He was a Ham radio operator as W4HJS and, later, W6WOE. He worked part-time doing TV repair for a Wilmington department store. He also obtained a commercial radio license and worked part-time at an AM radio station, WMFD, in Wilmington.
California offered a chance to go to college, so after graduating from high school, Hal returned and has not looked back. His goal, at that time, was to work on the technical side of television. But, as we all know, sometimes life takes us in a completely different direction. Hal received an excellent offer to go to work in the defense industry which the start of an extended career, both as an employee and later on, as a consultant to a major aerospace corporation.
Hal took advantage of the California college system, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Business and an MBA from Cal State Fullerton, while he was working and raising his family. Throughout his career, Hal also taught technical and business classes at the undergraduate and graduate level at, UCLA’s Extension, the University of Phoenix, both on campus and online, and community colleges in the Los Angeles area.
Four years ago, Hal formed Seacliff Electronic Commerce, Inc. Seacliff has been consulting in the Business Analyst area, developing business systems in the supply chain, complex manufacturing and product support areas at Raytheon.
Hal lives in Huntington Beach with his wife, Terry.